432 South Jefferson Ave, Lebanon, MO 65536
Business Hours
Tuesday - Friday
10 am to 5 pm
Monday & Saturday
By appointment only
Add your business or event information to our retractable banner stands that are lightweight and economical. Their compact aluminum hardware has two folding feet that rotate out for stability when the stand is on display, and rotate back in for storage in the complimentary carrying bag. The full color graphics come on 13 oz matte vinyl banner material. Great for traveling, these stands take mere seconds to display and when the show is over the insert is retracted into the hardware for safe keeping.
Product Features:
Once order is placed we will send email to get design information. Design fee may apply depending on complexity of design.
432 South Jefferson Ave, Lebanon, MO 65536
Business Hours
Tuesday - Friday
10 am to 5 pm
Monday & Saturday
By appointment only